What We Offer

A brown dog on a blue leash sitting on a pile of red and orange autumn leaves.

1:1 Private Training

  • Customized in-person training skill lessons for puppies and adult dogs who need basic skills.  $85 per lesson after initial consultation.

  • Online customized training skill lessons for puppies and adult dogs who need basic skills.  $85 per lesson after initial consultation.

  • Skills can include: Attention, name, come, stay, sit, down, body handling, mat training, relaxation, body language, heel, loose leash, wait, defensive walking maneuvers, leave-it, housetraining, puppy nipping, jumping, let’s go, and more.

A small brown dog with brown eyes training with Blue Mountain Canine in Pendleton, Oregon.

Behavior Consultation

  • Initial online consultation for training skills plan or behavior issue. $130 for 1 hour initial consultation and 30 minute follow up plan.  Additional follow ups are $85.

  • Behavior issues include: Jumping, nipping, barking, pulling on leash, reactivity on walks, chewing, digging, anxiety, and more.

  • At this time we don’t work with larger breeds with a bite history.  Please contact us for references to other quality positive reinforcement behaviorists in the area.


  • Puppy canine and life social skills (CLASS) are taught at the Recreation Center, 510 SW Dorion, on Sundays at 3pm. Our next class will begin in October 2024. To register for class, please go to our booking page.

  • Defensive handling, loose leash, child/dog safety, and wellness workshops are available for small or larger groups.  Please see our events page or contact us here to get in touch.

We also offer Luxury boarding and lodging.

Have a small dog (under 20lbs) who needs boarding or daycare?   Dogs in our care receive training support, freshly delivered spring water, their own blanket and bowl, and a peaceful environment to be their small wonderful selves with other small dog friends. We only take a few dogs at a time so contact us to get on our exclusive waitlist

“When I'm training a dog, I develop a relationship with that dog. He's my buddy, and I want to make training fun.”

- Ian Dunbar

Want To Schedule an Appointment?

Get started with a free 15-minute free phone consultation today!